UGC Video Ads

Airtraffic is a full-service UGC agency: scripts, talent, production, and editing.
Videos have been compressed for optimization and may contain artifacts not representative of original quality.
"Airtraffic has become our closest partner on producing ad creative over the past few months. They've developed a deep understanding of our product, our users, and the value propositions that work, and have used that to bring new ideas to the table and solid creative execution on our new video ads."
- Makoto Rheault-Kihara
Head of User Acquisition

Custom UGC ads

We produce UGC ads for some of the biggest mobile marketing teams in the world. We pitch the concepts, write the scripts, cast the talent, and shoot the videos. We don't rely on stock UGC footage or repurposed UGC libraries.

The best talent casting

Our team curates an internal database of talented and diverse actors. We don't rely on UGC marketplaces or third-party casting services. We work directly with our actors so you never have to worry about usage rights or licensing costs.

In-house production

Our internal video team specializes in UGC ad production. We film UGC ads at our own studio in San Diego, CA that we built specifically for UGC work. This gives us full control over the direction, performances, and any unique requests you might have.

Street Fighter: Duel

We produced hundreds of mobile video ads for Crunchyroll's Street Fighter: Duel from soft launch through worldwide. We focused primarily on UGC video ads for TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Our creative strategy included character cosplay, 90's nostalgia, and even writing an original Street Fighter: Duel rap. Below are selected highlights.
Videos have been compressed for optimization and may contain artifacts not representative of original quality.
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