Airtraffic produces top-performing mobile ad creative for the biggest mobile gaming studios in the world, but we do not make playable ads. Here's why:

  1. There's very little demand for playable ads. Nearly all companies we talk to are looking for UGC ads, motion gameplay ads, or static display ads.
  2. Our clients who do run playables tell us that playable ads never outperform video ads. There might be exceptions, but we have yet to find them.
  3. Our competitors seem to agree. Very few mobile ad creative agencies offer playable ads. And if they do, it's usually in the form of a self-service tool.

Ultimately, there just isn't enough demand for playable ads. Fun fact: Every single time that a client has asked us about playable ads, it's because they are testing a new ad network that's pushing them to try playables.

That said, playable ads might work for you, and that's great if they do! However, most marketing teams we talk to report little to no success with playable ads. Here are some reasons why playable ads tend to fail.

Misleading User Experience

One of the main reasons playable ads don't work is that they can create a misleading user experience. Playable ads often exaggerate, simplify, or otherwise change the gameplay experience compared to the actual product. This can lead to user disappointment after installing. As a result, the increased engagement and conversion rates that advertisers expect from playable ads may be short-lived, with many users uninstalling the app shortly after trying it.

High Costs and Limited Returns

Playable ads typically cost more than motion gameplay ads, UGC ads, and banner ads, all of which can be used across more networks than playables. And if you're using a self-service tool, someone on your team has to take the time to learn the tool and make the ads. The ROAS on playable ads may not justify the additional time and cost. And the potential for low user retention due to misleading experiences means playable ads are less likely to deliver long-term metrics as well.

Not Attention-Grabbing

In a world ruled by TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, it's critical that your ads capture viewers' attentions quickly. Playable ads struggle to do this because users need to engage with the ad for an extended period to receive the full experience. Most playable ads begin with a slow, text-heavy tutorial, turning off most potential customers. Users often skip playable ads or lose interest before completing the experience, thus limiting a playable ad's effectiveness.

Airtraffic produces top-performing UGC ads, motion gameplay ads, banner ads, 3D ads, CTV ads, and more. Our clients have saved upwards of 60% on their creative costs compared to previous agencies they've worked with. Learn more here or contact us below.